The Lonely Child


The mountains are high and my feet are bloated;
Pinned hopes are taken off by the wind going wild,
Shaking my head as desolated poetries of life are unfolded;
The sky pours down in grief watching the lonely child.

Clothed in the weary skin, my soul naked in the twilight;
The darkness follows and the shadow leaves behind;
Oh! How the weight of the cruel world pulls down the kite,
That once flew high and bright like the lonely child.

Those with heart of a stone threw me away so far,
Where the petals have dried and the thorns are lined;
The night cries as the warm tear falls on my invisible scar,
And the moon wonders if God is the friend of the lonely child.

– Kritika Vashist

(I am trying to catch up with the blog, but it is now getting almost impossible. I am taking a short break, since I have a lot to sort out and a lot to do in coming days, and I hope that everything goes well. I will be back soon. Miss me a bit, okay?
Stay awesome.) 

52 thoughts on “The Lonely Child

  1. Don’t be gone too long or I’ll miss your lovely posts, like todays. Since you’re busy, please don’t worry about responding to the award I’ve nominated you for. Come back soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is a good idea to take a break when we realize that we have to get some things into an order or to simply clear the mind. Of course you will be missed. But that is why we are all there waiting for you with open arms whenever you are back. Know, you are loved, Kritika ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those with heart of a stone threw me away so far,
    Where the petals have dried and the thorns are lined

    This is so touching, K </3

    I'm gonna miss you !! ❤ Come back soon 🙂 Plan the Mumbai trip too !!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good luck in sorting things 🙂 we all are here waiting for your return with the victorious smile on your face 😛 Love this poem 🙂 we all are lonely at some point or the other & God comes to our rescue 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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