Liebster Award (What?)


Although I never found myself worthy of some award for writing, I feel that such awards on the blog motivates one to write in whatever way they are writing, to believe in themselves, to know more bloggers on WP, and most importantly to know that whatever they write is somewhere making a difference to someone who is reading, which, in my honest opinion, is a wonderful thing.

I am truly humbled to know that you guys like my blog..
Two great bloggers, Shambhavi and Ajay, have nominated me for this award. Thank you for this guys, and honestly I don’t know how to react more to this 😀 Being a blogger and saying, ” I have no words” is so ironic, no?
Anyway, Do visit their blog. You’ll find many great posts by these beautiful people 🙂
PS. I’m amazed by Shambhavi, though. Being a doctor how do you manage this blog so amazingly? A question you need to answer.

So, as per the rule, I am supposed to answer all questions asked by them. So here I go.

Answers to questions asked by Shambhavi:
Q1. What is your motivating word?
A- “Loser” is my motivating word. Sounds stupid? Well, it works as a trigger for me, for anything. I had worked for a motivational blog as a writer, and I have written many motivational stuff. You’ll be surprised to know that they don’t always work. What works the best is when you hear what you don’t want to hear. If someone calls me a loser, I’ll prove them wrong, be it in academics, love, life, in friendship, in some stupid game, or whatever.

Q2. What is it, that you want to achieve at present or in near future?
A- To fulfill a promise I did to myself sometime back (Ssh, cannot tell you what it is unless it is done.)

Q3. An animal you would love to share your life with?
A- PANDA!!!! Aren’t they adorable? ❤

Q4. Your idea behind this blog?
A- I wanted to maintain all my write ups- A blog is perfect for that.
I wanted to share my thoughts and I wanted to read works by others, to know what I never knew before, to interact with different people. I believe this is the best platform for beginners. In last few weeks, I have made few bloggers my good friends and I love that feeling. I always wanted to share this thought that, a blog is that one place where you interact with people you have never met, with someone you don’t know how they look, or what they do. You connect with them for a wonderful reason that, you really like how they think, which is the only thing that is essential between two people.

Q5. Music genre of choice? Mention the artist/song close to your heart?
A- I do not have a favorite genre. I have different genres for different moods.
However, the first artist that I fell in love was Bruno Mars for ‘The Lazy Song’ and ‘Just the way you are.’ Others are Steven Wilson and Chris Martin.
I listen to English, Hindi, folk songs, Qawalis. The one song that is close to my heart is Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd(English) and Tum Tak from movie Ranjhana( Hindi)

Q6. Your thoughts on love?
A- I have always believed that love is eternal. It is ever flowing, like a river; it finds its ways, come what may. It doesn’t degrade, destroy, end, die, but it grows forever. Love is a soul and soul never dies. If someone tells you that they don’t love you anymore because you have changed or whatever, then know that what they did was not love, but it was just a timely affection towards you, because to love means to love with all imperfections, to even love their anger, their fears and every bit of them.

Q7. One colour that can change your mood?
A- Color of music. ( I am yet to learn what it is called.)

Q8. Favourite quote?
A- “Listen! Clam up your mouth and be silent like an oyster shell, for that tongue of yours is the enemy of the soul, my friend. When the lips are silent, the heart has a hundred tongues.”- Rumi

Q9. Hobbies other than blogging?
A- Painting, badminton, dancing, and most important of all, Joking!

Q10. Recommend a dish I must try.

Answers to questions by Ajay:
1. Your favourite quote on life?
A- “When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realise that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives.” – APJ Abdul Kalam

2. Your Relationship statuts.
A- In relationship with words (Thank God!)

3. The craziest thing you have done so far.
A- I killed 12 mosquitoes in 10 minutes! (Is there some award for this? Because I think I totally deserve it.)

4. Your favorite book and why.
A- My Journey by APJ Abdul Kalam, because it has everything, from motivation to be what you want to be to how to do good to yourself and to this world.

5. Define love in your words.
A- Already did.

6. Do you dream about being successful or happy and why?
A- About being successful, yes, of course, like everybody does, because without it the life won’t have a meaning to me.
I believe you don’t dream to be happy. You should be happy! You deserve it!

7. Is love really worth the time?
A- Even if it wasn’t, would you have convinced yourself to not love? Love teaches you so many things (include negatives and positives), and when you spent time learning something, it is totally worth it.

8. Color that can change your mood.
A- Answered it already.

9. Difference between lust and infatuation.
A – Lust- I’ll write a poem on you.
Infatuation- I’ll write a poem for you.
(Read between the lines)

10. Hobbies other than blogging.
A- Answered already.

PHEWW! Had I answered all the questions in my exams, I would have definitely got an award!

So, now I’d nominate other amazing bloggers.
Here they are in no particular order-

1. Barrira ❤ :

2. Prateek Kohli ( Special mention for this guy- He is undoubtedly an amazing blogger, but he is an awesome person indeed. PK’s are awesome 😉 ) :

3. William Leeone ❤ :

4. Naima :

5.  Izzaa Ifzaal :

6. Story Teller :

7. Saya :

8. ANoop :

9. cote8050 :

10. Sheldonk2014:

My set of rapid fire for the nominated blogs:
1. Why are you here on WordPress?
2. Who is your favorite author/poet and why.
3. What will you do if you wake up one day and find yourself in an unknown city?
4. Your thoughts on love.
5. Your favorite book and one book you would recommend to me.
6. One sober thing you did and one crazy thing you did.
7. What is on your mind right now?
8. What is that one thing that keeps you going?
9. Describe the version of you which you love the most.
10. How many mosquitoes you have killed? Just kidding.
When you look at your reflection in the mirror, what is the first question you ask to yourself?

Rules :
👉Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
👉Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
👉Nominate 10 other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
👉Ensure all of these bloggers have less than 200 followers.
👉Answer the ten questions asked to you by the person who nominated you, and make ten questions of your own for your nominees.
👉Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.

But please, accept the nomination because you deserve it. (Not really, I just want to read the answers)
Okay! Ignore my silly jokes here and there and be cheerful!
Keep blogging, you amazing people ❤

Once again, thank you Shambhavi and Ajay for the nomination. 🙂

– Kritika Vashist

27 thoughts on “Liebster Award (What?)

  1. Yaayy Kritika! Congratulations and thank you so much for nominating me and bear my off-beat, without-beat dance after getting that special mention! Loved all your answers ! The quote by Runi, your motivating word and your thoughts on love gave me goosebumps along with a lasting smile. And your last hobby – Joking – you will prove to be a great friend ! *tears in eyes as if found a twin lost in Kumbh ka Mela in 70s* :’)
    Will try to answer your questions as soon as possible. Have two exams in the next two days 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wohooo *congrats* ❤ and I loved your answers, got a little insight in to your head ^_^
    and thank-you for the award nomination, oh wow :O
    Another award in a week xD
    I shall be answering all the questions soon.
    Much love & Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

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